Ep. 21 Your minds addiction to negative and anxious thoughts [self-reflection] - The Borealis Experience

Episode 21

Ep. 21 Your minds addiction to negative and anxious thoughts [self-reflection]

Published on: 20th July, 2023

Hello there lovelies,

Negative and anxious thoughts are common experiences for human beings, and they can be challenging to manage at times.

It's important to acknowledge that negative and anxious thoughts are a natural part of being human, and everyone experiences them from time to time. These thoughts can stem from various sources, such as past experiences, fears, uncertainties about the future, or even cognitive biases.

If you find yourself caught in a cycle of negative and anxious thoughts, consider the following strategies to help manage them:

  1. Self-Awareness: Recognize when negative or anxious thoughts arise. Being aware of your thought patterns can help you identify triggers and potential sources of stress.
  2. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Once you become aware of negative thoughts, question their validity. Ask yourself if there is evidence to support or contradict those thoughts. Often, we can find that our worries are not as realistic as we initially believed.
  3. Reframe Thoughts: Reframe negative thoughts into more positive or neutral ones. Instead of catastrophizing, try to view situations realistically and consider potential positive outcomes.

with so much love


  • Self-love and support with a life coach. 0:05
  • Aurora offers coaching and relaxation classes in person or virtually, and invites listeners to share their stories.
  • Negative thinking and anxiety. 1:41
  • Speaker 1 describes their surroundings, including bees, wolves, and flies, while feeling the warmth of the sun on their back.
  • Speaker 1 discusses how the mind can become addicted to negative and anxious thinking as a way to protect oneself from past pain and potential future harm.
  • Mind's role in protecting self, leading to growth. 4:53
  • Mind acts as guard, limiting growth and connection, but by detecting thoughts, one can break free.
  • Limiting beliefs and anxiety. 6:31
  • Speaker questions and dissects limiting beliefs about the future, including judgmental and all-or-nothing thoughts.
  • Identify and challenge limiting beliefs and assumptions to expand perspectives.
  • Self-awareness and personal growth. 10:00
  • Speaker 1 encourages listeners to question and challenge their negative thoughts and beliefs to become the master of their thoughts and no longer a victim of their own thinking.
  • Speaker 1 invites listeners to visit their new physical location, The Year Experience, where they can work on themselves to liberate themselves from past pain and step into the present and future with confidence and courage.

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Free yourself from the ongoing destructive inner chatter become the strongest most authentic version of yourself.

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Hello, hello, and welcome to the Borealis


experience. I'm your host Aurora and life coach and companion on


this beautiful journey called life. I'm excited to connect


with you, I'm excited to spend some time with you. I hope you


feel good. I hope you feel safe and loved and supported, seen


and heard. And if you're not feeling good, right now, if


you're feeling a little bit off, and secure, uncertain, stuck


lost. I hope my podcast here can bring you some values some


clarity, and inspire you to love yourself more than ever, I want


to create a space for you where you can rest and recharge your


batteries where you can be yourself when you can, where you


can express yourself and feel understood. And also very


excited to announce that I have a physical location in the


forest, where we can meet in person for coaching or


relaxation classes. Or we can also meet over zoom if you're


living a little bit farther apart. And I'd love to hear your


story. I'd love to hear what's going on in your life, what's


bugging you? What's going well, and find out how I can support


you to become your strongest most resilient version. I'm


sitting outdoors today, lots of bees, lots of wolves, lots of


flies that you might be hearing in the background. And maybe you


can hear or feel that I have the sun warming up my back. It feels


so good. I have my face in the shade and my back in the sun and


it just feels so amazing. I hope you're gonna experience that


someday soon, if not today. All right, let's dive into today's


episode. Today I want to talk about the way your brain, your


mind loves to be addicted to anxious and negative thinking.


And the reason why the mind is addicted to negative thinking,


and anxious thinking is that at some point in your life, it has


learned and when I say it, I mean the mind or your ego, that


this world is not safe, that we can be hurt, we can feel


disappointed, we can be rejected, we can be utterly


scarred and wounded. And this world is not a safe place. And


it can be circumstances or it can be specific people that have


hurt you in the past. And so your mind remembers this pain


and will try everything, everything, everything,


everything at a high cost to protect you from future pain. So


it will come up with anxious thoughts and negative thoughts.


You know those thoughts of doubt and suspicion? Thoughts that


yeah, you can trust this world you cannot trust people because


it wants to protect you. Well imagine your mind your ego, like


over protective parent or guardian. And they take care of


you and tell you do you want to go outside and play in the


garden? Well, I think you should stay inside because outside of


this house. Outside of our gates, there is harm and threat


waiting for you. And you keep you know wondering about the


life beyond the gates of your house beyond or on the other


side of the door, the entrance door and you keep asking hey


today I want to do this today. I want to experience that and your


guardian keeps saying no we shouldn't be doing this. Let's


stay inside let's stay on the couch and maybe read a book or


watch TV because this is a safe place to be this is a safe place


where you will not get hurt. So I think you're getting you're


getting my point here your mind acts like a guard In trying to


protect you at the same time, keeping you in a very confined


space, mind, space, emotional space, and space where it is


very hard to connect with other people, new people, or to


experience new things in life and to grow and to learn and to


expand to love. So your mind keeps you in that small space of


anxiety and negativity because it wants to protect you, because


of a past pain, like wound disappointment. Now, if you can


cut through this in the future, and learn to discern what is


really a threat, and what is my, you know, default system, trying


to protect me from but that might not need protection from


any more, then you can live a life in self control in love,


and openness and curiosity and engagement with the people and


environment around you. So I think my message today is that


you become a detective of your thoughts, and you no longer


identify with your thoughts. And it's hard for me to say that


there is good thoughts and bad thoughts, thoughts, because they


all serve a purpose. But when it comes to anxious limiting


beliefs in the future, I want you to question these thoughts


first. So it can be thoughts of judgment, it can be, like all or


nothing thoughts, like, always or never, right, this person


always is late, this person never cleans up after


themselves. This party I'm not going to attend, because it's


always boring. When I go somewhere. I'm not going to go


to the grocery store, because it always makes me anxious. Like,


these thoughts are repetitive, and are annoying and are


limiting. And I want you to dissect these thoughts in the


future. And to question them as if it was, you know, an over


overly, overly smothering parent or a friend who is always


questioning things and always read when you come up with an


idea. Oh, let's do this that Yeah, but no, I don't think so.


And then they share their limit limiting beliefs. So to


personify right to turn into a person, your negative thoughts,


your anxious beliefs, and to really ask and wonder, really,


is it always the case? Right? Is it always boring when you go to


parties and gatherings? Are you always anxious when you go to


the grocery store?


Are all women. Scary and not worth of trust? Are all men


cheaters. So it's very easy to identify these limiting beliefs


and thoughts because they're usually very radical. And


they're usually very one sided. And once you give them a little


bit more attention, or dissect them question them, you will


find out very quickly that no, it is not always the case. No,


it is not never. And no, there is other angles to approach this


scenario. Or when it comes to a person. We can ask questions


before making assumptions and conclusions about a person with


limiting beliefs and anxiety. We can ask questions, right? If


you're about to date a new person, and you were very hurt.


In the past, your mind will come up with some fabulous ideas on


how to get rid of that person and why they are not


trustworthy. Because you're putting yourself out there


again, you're doing something brave, and your mind will try to


keep you in a situation where you can't potentially get hurt


again. But what that does if you follow it without questioning


it, is that you close yourself up to new experiences and you're


shutting yourself down. I'm in front of love, in front of


goodness, goodness that could happen to you. So to discern and


to question and to ask, and to maybe even write down all the


stuff that comes up. And then when you look at the stuff that


you're writing down to see all this is my heart speaking, this


is me speaking from a place of trust, love, courage, curiosity


and engagement. And then maybe you can read further. And then


you can notice Oh, and this down here is my overly smothering ego


and mind that drags everything under the dirt and sees only the


negative only the bad, wants to be aggressive and assertive, and


always feels as not enough. This is my herd in a child that steal


things that are not lovable. And that way you can become the


master of your thoughts. And no longer the victim of your


erratic and negative thinking and conclusion making an


assumption making it is so so important to allow space and


time and silence to get behind your thinking. How do you


process this world? How do you engage with people relate to


people, and if you don't like what you see, if you constantly


have an outcome, or scenarios that you really don't like, then


you have to go down to the bottom. And notice your thinking


patterns, especially the negative and the anxious ones,


because those are the ones that keep you caged in. All right, my


dear friend, this is the message of today. As always, I'm excited


to receive feedback from you, or episode requests. And as I


mentioned, at the beginning of the episode, I have a physical


location now called the year experience. Check it out in the


show notes, where I invite people who went through divorce


and heartbreak and, you know, rough phases in their life to


come on out and to work on themselves to liberate


themselves from past pain, in order to step into the present


and the future, with a confident and courageous heart. And, yeah,


that is it for today. I'm sending you out into the rest of


your day, beginning of the day, end of the day, with so much


love, and I'm excited to connect with you very soon again. Take


care. Bye bye

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About the Podcast

The Borealis Experience
Reconnect to yourself and enjoy life on a deeper level
Hello there,
In this podcast I want to create a space for you where you can recharge your batteries, expand, grow and feel at home with yourself. I will take you on a journey that will get you with ease and effortlessness to a more peaceful state of being. Genuine, raw and transparent - always.
Meditations included
Enjoy it, cause you’re so worth it !
Love Aurora
A little bit about me
Trust me I’m far from feeling, behaving or being perfect.
Perfection is nothing I’m thriving for yet I can say I’m proud of my path/ life journey.

I'm no longer enslaved to my #depression
I'm no longer a #rapevictim
I no longer struggle with #eatingdisorder
I no longer feel the need to hold on to fear, anger and resentment towards men.
I #create podcast episodes and videos several times a week to support and inspire others even on days I feel poorly.
I push through hard times while being gentle on myself.

I'm able to be consistent without feeling drained for the first time in my life because I found something that brings me joy and excitement and stills my hunger to support people out there.

I try my best to understand people’s harsh opinions that are not in alignment with my values .

I learn every day on how to express myself better in a foreign language

I no longer use being bullied back then in school as an excuse in life to not show up for myself or others.

I ask questions, really annoying questions, in order to experience my environment and to find out what is best for me and my people around me ..
Yes, I still feel triggered in many situations.
Yes, I feel depressed and discouraged at times but I embrace it and don’t let it define me anymore.

Doing all this allows me to meet incredible people along the way.

People who:
- inspire me
- encourage me and ignite my deep compassion

I'm grateful for all of you and I’m so happy that I can learn from you and grow together with you .

We are all together in this beautiful mess called life
Thank you for being here

Lots of love and respect
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About your host

Profile picture for Aurora Eggert

Aurora Eggert

Hello there,
Born and raised in Germany under the influence of French culture I got a taste of how people perceive life and situations totally differently depending on how and where they grew up. this ignited my deepest curiosity for human behaviour at a very young age.

Being always more of an introvert and observant child I absorbed a lot of stuff that to this day weigh heavy on my soul but on the bright side I can say that these experiences make me relate so much deeper and better to the people around me.

I understand pain. I know suffering. I know how it feels to feel misunderstood.
People say I have a warm, soothing vibe and I enjoyed many years working as a physiotherapist in Germany.

Today I’m more venturing towards bringing healing through podcasting/ Life coaching and yoga. I also encourage people to spend more time out in nature and have a Yurt set up in our forest where I host regular relaxation classes.

I would like to call myself a perception shifter because this is what helped me on my path of (ongoing) healing - I’d love to offer perception shifting thoughts/views in order to make people feel more real and their life easier and their relationships deeper.

I’m also passionate about bringing awareness to locally grown food to people’s table as I’m certain that feeling empowered and real starts with what you nurture your body with and what you absorb with all senses from your environment on a daily basis .

I live in the Rocky Mountains
Raise a couple chickens Free range for eggs and grow a beautiful vegetable garden with my grandmother, fiance and mother in summer.

Podcasting became my passion because I can reach people all over the world- Give hope, make people feel less lonely and self-empowered. Furthermore the interviews with people from around the world expand my horizon and help me heal my soul.
Bonnie my pitbull is always at my side.
connect with me and share your story on my show .

Love ❤️